Daniel Lopes

Data Analysis, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Business Intelligence, Data Governance, Machine Learning, Data Engineering, Image Processing, Natural Language Processing
Principal expertise
Perfils de empresas
Pequeno Porte, Médio Porte, Startup
Dados e Tecnologia, Diversão e Entretenimento, Finanças, Saúde, Varejo
Áreas da empresa
Cybersegurança, Dados, Engenharia/Arquitetura, Estratégia, Inovação, Marketing, Produto, Tecnologia
Empresa atual
São Paulo
Principais empresas
Globo, Creditas, InfoPrice
Resumo da trajetória
Executive and advisor with +10 years of data, analytics, and technology experience, open to new the unknown with data, math, and physics, with a non-completed Ph.D. program at IPEN/USP, an engineer from UniSALESIANO college, and a proud ADHDer. Community Manager of Papis.io, one of the biggest events about real-life machine learning. Project active research about melanoma skin cancer detection by image processing and Deep Learning (AI). Fond of data, intelligence, and statistics, such as machine learning and data science techniques, big data, data mining, and recommender systems. Now focusing on building executive data strategy and data product at C-Level board at InfoPrice as CDAO (Chief Data and Analytics Officer) and CDO. 
Projeto de destaque
As part of the InfoPrice C-level board, lead the use of the Data, Analytics and Technology strategy to help understanding the consumer’s and pricing process with Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Deep Learning. Collecting offline video prices and processing to get intelligence and help to know how the world prices are going on.
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Esses são meus talentos principais
Big Data, Inteligencia Artificial, Tecnologia

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